The sets of Shree Ashtavinayak's new untitled film, directed by Rohit Jugraj and starring Tulip Joshi, Kunal Khemmu and Aushima Saawhney in the lead saw quite an
unusual happening late at night every day!!
Pretty actress Tulip Joshi it seems is quite addicted to diet cokes and such was her intense desire to guzzle them post midnight that she used to even finish off Kunal and
Aushima's share too! The three of them used to have a blast sitting together and watching Tulip imbibe diet coke pe diet coke from the other two's ice boxes as well!
Says a laughing Tulip, "Yeah at that time I used to have this intense craving for diet cokes and I used to raid Kunal and Aushima's ice boxes in front of them at late night!
They used to laugh but thankfully now I have lost that obsession!"
Adds Kunal Khemmu, the major provider of diet cokes! "Yeah we used to hang around all three of us after the shoot, sipping diet coke and red bull and my ice box was full of
them, so tulip used to finish off my stock once hers was over!
It was quite a lot of dhamaal and we got to see quite a quirky side of Tulips!!"
Well, now we know where Tulip gets all that energy from...
Saturday, October 20, 2007 11:21 IST